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Support others who are living with Lyme disease and other tick-borne illnesses

What is a GLA Peer Mentor?

Someone who has been affected by Lyme disease and/or other tick-borne illness and wants to “get involved and do more” to support others who are currently trying to navigate their way through the journey. GLA peer mentors are:

- Empathetic and want to support others who are seeking support and guidance
- Understand how overwhelming it is living with Lyme disease and/or other tick-borne illness
- Have a positive outlook on their own journey with Lyme disease
- Knowledgeable and willing to share what they have learned

Who are GLA Mentors?

If you have been affected by Lyme disease or other tick-borne illness and are passionate about supporting others in the Lyme community that include patients, caregivers, and family members. Peer mentors are empathetic and can provide emotional support and understanding to someone who is living with Lyme disease and/or other tick-borne illness.

- You’ve been diagnosed with Lyme disease and/or other tick-borne illnesses and are willing to share what you have learned and your experiences to help someone overcome their challenges You are a caregiver, family member, or spouse who has been actively involved in supporting someone with Lyme and/or other tick-borne illness

- You are a parent who has or is still managing a child who was diagnosed with Lyme and/or other tick-borne illness A spouse who has supported their partner through their illness and can provide guidance and insight into maintaining a healthy family dynamic

To apply, you should:

- Have at least 1 years’ experience living with Lyme disease and/or other tick-borne illness – patient, caregiver, parent, spouse, or other family members
- Have a positive outlook on your own journey with Lyme
- Have time to volunteer to support others
- Have good interpersonal skills
- Willing to listen and continue to learn about Lyme and how it has affected others
- Willing to share your experiences
- Willing to follow GLA established guidelines
- Willing to have a background check

Please fill the form below to register as a mentor:

My details

Demographic Information

Mentoring subjects

My Interest In Becoming A Peer Mentor

Code of conduct

Peer Code of Conduct

  1. Peers will not practice, condone, facilitate or collaborate in any form of discrimination on the basis of ethnicity, race, sex, sexual orientation, age, religion, national origin, marital status, political belief, mental or physical disability, or any other preference or personal characteristic, condition or state.
  2. Peers will respect the privacy and confidentiality of their Mentors and others utilizing peer support services and will only contact them during scheduled calls. 
  3. Peers will never engage in sexual/intimate activities with their Mentors and others utilizing peer support services. 
  4. Peers will avoid conflicts of interest that compromise the relationship between themselves and their Mentors. 
  5. Peers will never intimidate, threaten, harass, use undue influence, physical force or verbal abuse, or make unwarranted promises of benefits to their Mentors and others utilizing peer support services. 
  6. Peers will not accept gifts of significant value from their Mentors and others utilizing peer support services. 
  7. Peers will maintain high standards of personal conduct which includes keeping commitments to and giving dignity and respect to all people. 

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